Faith Alive Ministries World Outreach Centre Inc. is a non-denominational ministry that was incorporated in the province of Saskatchewan in 1980. Faith Alive is of a Pentecostal, or Charismatic, persuasion.
Faith Alive began on May 9, 1980 as a Bible study and outreach ministry to young people. From a start with eight people in the family room of a house, it has since outgrown two warehouses and two church buildings. In 2019 Faith Alive relocated to our current location on the northeast edge of Saskatoon, just off SK Highway 41. Our new five-acre property accommodates ample parking, recreational green space, and two 16,000 square foot buildings. Faith Alive Family Church and its ministries, including Faith Alive Bible College, occupy one building, while Prairie Christian Academy, our accredited preschool-grade 12 school occupies the other building and includes a full-sized gymnasium.
Our founder, Rev. Ivan Antoniuk, with his wife Marcia, came from a Baptist background. He formerly owned a successful dental lab. Everything in his life changed when he experienced a powerful encounter of the Holy Spirit at a Charles and Frances Hunter meeting at a Pentecostal church. Rev. Ivan Antoniuk came to the meeting to disprove the experience of speaking in tongues. God’s Spirit came on him so strong that he was not able to speak in English for over a day. Afterward, Pastor Ivan always emphasized the importance of the Word of God, healings and the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
That legacy is being continued on today by former graduates of Faith Alive Bible College, Pastors Brent and Barb Rudoski, who have continued to pursue revival and reformation in the church of Jesus Christ.
Faith Alive Ministries World Outreach Centre Inc. is governed by a board of directors who oversee the spiritual and practical responsibilities of the ministry.
For over 30 years Faith Alive Bible College offered a two-year program of practical and theological studies (DPT), while placing a strong emphasis on integrity, honesty and good work ethics. Since 2006 the College has been granted the right by the provincial Government of Saskatchewan to offer degrees in religious studies and theology. In 2012 FABC became a fully accredited member institution of the Accrediting Commission International.
Dr. David Pierce faithfully served as dean of the college for over thirty years, until officially handing the baton to our current dean, Dr. Adam Biro, in 2019. Dr. Pierce continues to serve as a regular instructor and director in the ministry.
Faith Alive Bible College now partners with our friends, Pastors Randy and Jill Neilson of Bramalea Christian Fellowship, who host our new East Campus in Brampton, Ontario. The East Campus currently offers part-time studies on Thursday nights. We are working together to see the East Campus operating full-time by the fall of 2024.
Many graduates of our programs have pursued careers as teachers, firefighters, police officers, social workers, government employees, First Nations Chiefs, band counsellors, drug abuse counsellors, missionaries, pastors, and more!