Course Catalogue
—online at your own pace—
MN2102 | 1.0 credit | Cecy Biro
Jesus commands us to go into all the world and make disciples of all nations, but if we’re honest, many of us don’t know where to start. This course introduces students to the dynamics of effective discipleship as taught and modelled in Scripture.
Inner Healing
MN2103 | 2.0 credits | Roberta Fiddler
Proverbs calls us to guard our hearts diligently because everything in our lives flows from it. Learn to recognize the heart issues which silently steal your spiritual strength and poison your relationships. Step out in the authority of Christ and walk in freedom like never before!
Healing 1
MN1106 | 1.0 credit | Evangelist Brad Mayer
Jesus calls us to be Kingdom ambassadors, displaying His love and power to the world. Learn how to be His healing hands for those in need of restoration and hope with Evangelist Brad Mayer.
Communication Basics
MN2101 | 1.0 credit | Evangelist Brad Mayer
This primer to public speaking with seasoned evangelist Brad Mayer gives students a creative and practical approach to the task of effectively proclaiming their faith.
Old Testament
The Pentateuch
OT1103 | 3.0 credits | Rev. Lorna Martin
The new covenant builds upon and fulfills the work God began long ago when He separated Israel from the nations to be His special people. Learn how it all began as we survey the first five books of the Bible together.
Old Testament History Books
OT1104 | 3.0 credits | Rev. Lorna Martin
Survey the coloured history of God’s people from the conquest of Canaan to the victories of David, from Solomon’s glory to the Babylonian captivity, and finally the humble restoration of Jerusalem and the Temple. Israel often failed to live up to God’s covenant, but His mercies were ever true! In this course we cover the books: Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1-2 Samuel, 1-2 Kings, 1-2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, & Esther.
New Testament
John’s Gospel
NT2204 | 1.0 credit | Dr. Adam Biro
Study Jesus' life and ministry as seen through the eyes of the Beloved Disciple. John presents Christ as the Word made flesh, Light in the darkness, our Creator God and Saviour! Stand in awe of the miraculous signs wrought by the great I AM!
Book of Acts
NT1205 | 1.0 credit | Dr. Adam Biro
The Book of Acts gives us an exclusive account of the earliest days of the Church, from its birth in Pentecostal fire, explosive growth in the face of persecution, and the missionary zeal that took the gospel to the heart of the Roman Empire. Get ready for a whirlwind tour that will leave you longing for more of God’s empowering presence!
Pastoral Epistles
NT2103 | 1.0 credit | Dr. Adam Biro
Paul’s last written words are passed on to us in these precious letters written to his spiritual sons, Timothy and Titus. Feel the weight of his apostolic authority and beat of his fatherly heart and he calls them to walk the walk and fight the fight faith.
General Epistles
NT1103 | 1.0 credit | Dr. Adam Biro
Paul’s letters may come first in our Bibles, but that doesn’t mean that the letters of James, Peter, John & Jude aren’t just as worthy of our attention and study! Be strengthened in your faith as we dig deep into these rich books together.
Theology & History
Foundations 1
TH1102 | 1.0 credit | Roberta Fiddler
Whether you’re a new believer or a leader looking for discipleship tools, this course is the perfect place to start! Explore the foundations of the faith, from the new birth to the importance of the local church, from the power of prayer to the dynamics of biblical faith, and much more.
Foundations 2
TH1103 | 1.0 credit | Roberta Fiddler
Whether you’re a new believer or a leader looking for discipleship tools, this course is the perfect place to start! Explore the foundations of the faith, from the new birth to the importance of the local church, from the power of prayer to the dynamics of biblical faith, and much more. (Part 2, following Foundations 1)
Bible Study Methods
TH1106 | 3.0 credits | Dr. Adam Biro
This introduction to hermeneutics—the art of interpreting the Bible—teaches students how to faithfully handle God’s Word. Whether you’re called to a ministry of preaching & teaching, or simply trying to apply biblical truth to your daily life, this course is a must for all disciples.
Kingdom of Priests
TH1104 | 1.0 credit | Dr. Adam Biro
What kind of kingdom did Jesus come to establish? The Old and New Testaments agree that He has called us to be a kingdom of priests! This course surveys God’s unchanging plan to establish His people as a holy nation and royal priesthood.
Personal & Spiritual Development
Holy Spirit 1
DV1103 | 1.0 credit | Cecy Biro
Quite simply, the Church would not exist if it wasn’t for the Holy Spirit! From the Day of Pentecost until today, it is only when believers know, experience and depend on the empowering of the Spirit of God that the Church fulfills its glorious mission. Kickstart or refresh your relationship with the Holy Spirit in this course.
Prayer 1
DV1102 | 1.0 credit | Cecy Biro
Learn the principles and practices of prayer essential for a victorious Christian life. Explore Jesus’ prayer life and get to know many heroes of intercession. Experience prayer’s power to transform lives and to establish spiritually healthy families.
Faith & Family
DV2205 | 1.0 credit | Cecy Biro
“Unless the Lord builds the house,” warns Solomon, “those who build it labour in vain.” Dig a deep foundation for your family as we explore God’s design for marriage, raising children, and walking through the many seasons of life together.